District Energy Swirl

District Energy CHP


Benefits of District Energy networks

A gas engine CHP plant installation provides several substantial benefits, including:

How does District Energy work?

District energy schemes or heat networks is a distributed system of large-scale underground pipes that transport heat from a central energy centre direct to local domestic and non-domestic users. In most district energy projects; a gas engine CHP is at the heart of the energy centre due to its high fuel efficiency of over 90% and the cogeneration of electricity and heat from a single fuel source.

Should there be a requirement for refrigeration and/or air conditioning then the gas engine CHP can be configured for Trigeneration whereby cooling can be provided via absorption chillers.


Our District Energy CHP Case Studies

The market leading performance from the MWM gas engine range is ideally suited for the application of CHP. This combined with our fully inclusive maintenance package and proven track record in delivering district energy CHP provides the maximum energy savings and long-term benefits to your community CHP project.