Standby generator sets have traditionally been based on diesel engines. More recently, users have shown an increased interest in gas fuelled generator sets for black start standby power applications. This trend is driven by factors such as low exhaust emissions, higher efficiency, reduced carbon footprint and the desire to avoid fuel storage issues.
The application of lean-burn gas fuelled gensets, as offered by Edina, is a highly viable alternative to diesel gensets.
This is particularly the case where a user is also able to generate a revenue stream through balancing peaking plants or a grid capacity mechanism incentive scheme such as the UK Capacity Market.
The investment in the gas gensets would consequently serve the dual purpose of generating revenue whilst also being available for standby or black start functionality.
The most important aspect of successfully applying gas gensets to standby applications is the consideration of the reduced start up time and load pickup capability of gas gensets vs diesels gensets.
It is therefore imperative that load pickup / steps are evaluated through the analysis of the loads, load steps and sequence with respect to the generator set capability and site requirements.
In summary, any loads that legally require generator set back up and need fast start up should be based on a diesel genset, whilst those that can tolerate interruption in power should be backed up by lean-burn gas fuelled gensets.
The MWM TCG range of gas engines can be configured for Black Start operation.
Should Black Start operation be considered, it is vital to engage with an experienced solutions provider, such as Edina, in the first instance.
We have a dedicated multi-disciplinary team whose collective in-depth knowledge and expertise in this arena has made Edina a leading authority on all aspects of the applications of both gas and diesel gensets for Black Start application.
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