Edina - Power Generation Specialists for Gas-fired &descriptiondes Diesel Power Plants

UK Battery Energy Storage Pipeline Exceeds 95GW

Written by Edina | May 29, 2024

The latest report from the trade association RenewableUK highlights a significant surge in the total pipeline of battery energy storage projects, reaching a staggering 95.6GW, representing a remarkable 67.4% increase (38.5GW) from 57.1GW the previous year.

This substantial growth marks the second consecutive year the pipeline has experienced such significant expansion. The total includes a range of battery projects at various stages, from operational to those being planned.

This data underscores the increasing momentum and interest in battery storage within the energy sector, showcasing the industry's commitment to embracing innovative technologies and sustainable solutions. With such a promising outlook, the future of energy storage is bright and full of potential for further growth and development.

“It’s great to see that, for the second year running, the UK’s battery storage pipeline has grown by two-thirds within the space of twelve months. The appetite among investors to enter this rapidly-growing market remains enormous.”

Barnaby Wharton, Director of Future Electricity Systems, RenewableUK

The operational capacity of battery storage has surged to 4.4GW, with projects under construction now totalling 4.3GW. The average project size seeking planning permission has increased by 53MW or an impressive 196%, climbing from 27MW in 2019 to 80MW today.

According to RenewableUK, an additional 30.4GW has received approval, while 26GW is currently in the planning stages, and another 30.4GW is in the early stages of development but has not yet been submitted.

Battery energy storage systems play a crucial role in enhancing the security and flexibility of the future energy system, ensuring its resilience and reliability. By effectively utilising battery storage, energy system costs can be reduced, and various benefits can be derived by storing and utilising energy generated during peak times for maximum efficiency.

“Batteries have a key role to play in ensuring that electricity supply always meets demand. While there has been significant uptake in projects, we are far from delivering the 55GW of short-term flexibility by 2035 that the government says we need in its Review of Electricity Market Arrangements. We have the potential to move much faster by speeding up the process of consenting and connecting vital energy storage projects to the grid.”

Barnaby Wharton, Director of Future Electricity Systems, RenewableUK

National Grid has been actively enhancing the pace at which BESS projects are connected to the grid. In a groundbreaking move announced in November 2023, National Grid has committed to expediting the connection timelines for 19 battery energy storage projects, collectively boasting a capacity of approximately 10GW.

Leading The Way

Research compiled by Aurora Energy Research suggests the UK, Ireland I-SEM (Integrated Single Electricity Market), and Italy are the top three markets for battery storage investment within Europe. 

These markets share several key attributes including strong spreads, robust policy support, and capacity market remuneration, and boost investor confidence with long-term contracted revenue.

The UK continues to lead the way in battery investments, boasting the highest installed capacity and pipeline capacity. With a total pipeline of 91.1GW (excluding operational assets), the UK’s attractive and stackable revenue streams, make it the most attractive market in Europe. 

Ireland I-SEM's strong revenue potential with the extension of lucrative DS3 tariffs, also makes it an attractive market for investors.

EPC Battery Energy Storage Solutions

Edina is an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor for advanced tier 1 battery and inverter technologies to provide an industry-leading battery energy storage solution that is scalable and delivers guaranteed performance. 

Edina’s modular outdoor battery energy storage solution is fully integrated and prefabricated with lithium-ion phosphate (LFP) battery cell chemistry, liquid-cooled thermal management system, skid-mounted inverter systems, battery management system and UL-certified fire detection and suppression systems.

From the UK and Ireland, Edina can provide the full EPC scope of works to include detailed design, engineering, project management and installation, commissioning, and long-term asset-care support, from a single point of contact.


Across the UK, Edina has energised its modular BESS solution for infrastructure developer and operator, ForePower. The 10MW 10MWh solution provides a range of ancillary balancing services to ensure power security, system flexibility and accelerate renewable energy integration as the UK moves towards decarbonisation.

Elsewhere, working with food waste management company BioteCH4, Edina was able to deliver a hybrid, microgrid solution co-locating Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engines and a 1MW battery energy storage solution at its Holme Bioenergy and R100 Energy waste processing sites to tackle energy costs, energy security and energy sustainability. 

Edina is currently progressing a pipeline of battery energy storage projects for behind-the-meter applications of over 100MW. 

Are you ready to deploy battery energy storage? Discover our capabilities now.