
Landfill Gas

Landfill gas is produced by the uncontrolled anaerobic decomposition of organic waste in the landfill.

The methane emitted from landfills has an up to 25 times higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide. By collecting and using this gas within a gas engine, the environment is protected on a high level.

All current and recently closed UK landfill sites have gas collection systems to flare the gas or have adopted Combined Heat and Power (CHP) application to collect, process and treat the available landfill gas to generate electricity.

Although the UK Renewable Obligation support for new and additional landfill gas schemes has been reduced, the rising energy costs and power prices make CHP application attractive for landfill sites.


Benefits of Landfill Gas CHP Engines


Reduce the environmental impact

Produce electricity, reducing energy costs

Provide site security of power

Exported energy used as income generation

Landfill Gas Extraction

  • Landfill gas originates from the digestion of organic waste in closed landfills. Within the useful life of a landfill the result of one ton of waste is 100 – 200 m3 landfill gas
  • The useful life of a landfill is between 15-20 years
  • Only the gas from the anaerobic phase and the stabile methane phase can be used: 45 – 65 % methane / 20 – 45 % carbon dioxide
  • The composition of the landfill gas changes over the years  (CH4 content diminishing)
  • The gas is extracted from the landfill through wells and is then available for further use

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Landfill Gas Composition

Landfill gas composition primarily consists of methane (45-65%), carbon dioxide (15-45%) and nitrogen (10-35%).

Compound Formula %
Methane CH4 45-65
Carbon Dioxide CO2 20-45
Nitrogen N2 10-35

MWM Landfill Gas Engines

To maximise the site potential return on investment, MWM reciprocating gas engines deliver market-leading electrical and thermal efficiency, low operating and servicing costs and high reliability and availability.

MWM have longtime experience with landfill gas applications with over 700 gensets operating in 400 landfills producing over 600MWe installed power worldwide.

Landfill Gas CHP Engines

The MWM range of gas engines are perfectly capable in operating on landfill gas and our containerised solution is especially tuned for this application.


MWM TCG 3016

Electrical Outputs:
400kWe - 800kWe

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MWM TCG 2020

Electrical Outputs: 1,200kWe - 2,000kWe

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MWM TCG 3020

Electrical Outputs: 1,380kWe -  2,300kwe

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MWM TCG 2032

Electrical Outputs: 3,333kWe - 4,500kWe

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Talk to one of our Landfill Gas experts

Looking to have a chat with us about a Landfill Gas solution? Talk to one of our experts today.

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